Jumat, 24 Januari 2014



The cooperative movement in the world, starting in the mid-18th century and early 19th century in England. These institutions are often referred to as "COOP preindustrial". In this century, also known as the Industrial Revolution and led to the emergence of an ideology that then so dominate the world economic system. We know him by the name of capitalism. This ideology, in the course of its history, then get the opponent commensurate with the presence of socialism. Cooperatives are present in between the two major economic powers.
Suffering experienced by the workers in various countries in Europe also experienced by the founders of the Cooperative consumption in Rochdale, England, in 1844.
At first, Rochdale Cooperative is only engaged in the consumption needs.
By adhering to the principles of Rochdale, Rochdale Cooperative pioneers develop their small store it into a business that is able to set up a factory to provide housing for its members, as well as provide education to improve the knowledge of the board members and the cooperative.
Following the success of Rochdale Cooperative, established in 1852 has about 100 Cooperative Consumption in the UK. As Rochdale Cooperative, cooperatives are generally established by the consumer.
Cooperatives are also growing in other countries. At the time of the French Revolution and the development of the industry has led to poverty and misery for the people of France. Thanks to the encouragement of their pioneers like Charles Forier, Louis Blanc, and Ferdinand Lasalle, who realized the necessity of improving the fate of people, the small businesses in France managed to build cooperatives engaged in production.

In Germany, standing cooperative pioneered by Herman Schultz-Delitsch (1808-1883), judge and member of the first parliament in Germany which successfully developed the concept badi initiatives and the gradual development of urban credit cooperatives, cooperative provision of means of production for the artisans, who then implemented by small traders, and other groups.
There is also a pioneer by the name of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeissen (1818-1888) head of the village in Flemmerfeld, Weyerbush in Germany. Raiffeissen encourage farmers to unite themselves in savings and loan associations that make up the credit cooperatives based on solidarity and unlimited dependents are borne by the members of the cooperative societies, and guided brdasarkan principle of self-help, self-managing, and supervising themselves.
First time rill cooperatives emerged in Europe in the early 19th century. There are two reasons that underlie the influence of socialism that there exist in Europe it appears for the following reasons:
      1. The presence of motif similarity between the cooperative movement with the socialist movement.
      2. As a form of economic organization that is different from the shape of the structure of capitalist economic organization.

           Cooperative development in Europe
      - English
      - France
      - Germany
      - Denmark
- Sweden

A. English
Suffering experienced by the
workers in various countries in Europe in the early 19th century also experienced by the founders of the Cooperative consumption in Rochdale, England, in 1844.
At first, Rochdale Cooperative is only engaged in the consumption needs. But then they began to spread their wings by doing ongoing work productively. By adhering to the asasasas Rochdale, Rochdale Cooperative pioneers develop their small store it into a business that is able to set up a factory, providing housing for its members, as well as provide education to improve the knowledge of the board members and the cooperative.
Following the success of Rochdale Cooperative, established in 1852 has about 100 Cooperative Consumption in the UK. As Rochdale Cooperative, cooperatives are generally established by the consumer.
B. France
French and industrial development has led to kemiskkinan and suffering for the people of France. Thanks to the encouragement of their pioneers like Charles Forier, Louis Blanc, and Ferdinand Lasalle, who realized the necessity of improving the fate of people, the small businesses in France managed to build cooperatives engaged in production.
Today in France there is the French National Consumer Cooperative Association (Fédération Nationale de Consommation Dess Cooperative), the number of cooperative yangtergabung many as 476 pieces. The number of members reached 3.46 million people, and stores amounted to 9,900 pieces owned by the turnover of 3.600 billion francs / year.
C. German
Around the year 1848, when Britain and France had reached kemaj uan, munculseorang pioneer named F. W.Raiffeisen, mayor in FlammersfieldIa encourage farmers to unite themselves in savings associations.
After going through a few hoops, finally Raiffesien can establish cooperative work with the following guidelines:
1. Cooperative members are required to save some money
2. Deposits may be issued as loans by paying the interest.
3. Cooperative efforts initially restricted to local villages in order to achieve close cooperation.
4. Cooperative Arrangements held by members elected without a wage.
5. The advantage gained is used to help the welfare of the community
Other pioneer of the German Cooperative is a judge named H. Schulze from Delitzcsh city. In 1849 he spearheaded the establishment of savings and credit cooperatives operating in urban areas. 
D. Denmark
The number of cooperative members in Denmark covering approximately 30% of the entire population. Denmark.Nearly one-third of the rural population of Denmark between the ages of 18 s / d 30-year Study abroad in college.
In its development, not only agricultural products are distributed through a cooperative, but including also the goods for the agricultural sector itself. In addition, in Denmark also develops cooperative consumption. The consumer cooperatives kebanyak established by unions in urban areas.
My analysis of the Cooperative in Indonesia is basically a cooperative was established to assist and meet the needs of everyday society. However, because the system is constantly changing so many cooperatives have failed and no advancement of the cooperative. Many cooperatives are misused so used as a tool to blackmail the people that should be of help to the community.
Cooperative development in Indonesia is likely to slow as the government more than the people concerned for itself.Cooperatives are currently more rural areas are still very thick with kinship and mutual help to each other.
So I think cooperatives in Indonesia is still developing but not too advanced. Such cooperatives in the world because of the lack of professional managers to overcome the cooperative in Indonesia today. Government should pursue policies such as foreign policy, one of which is to promote the quality of goods.
My analysis of the Cooperative in Indonesia is basically a cooperative was established to assist and meet the needs of everyday society. However, Because The system is constantly changing so many Cooperatives have failed and no advancement of the cooperative. Many Misused Cooperatives are so used as a tool to blackmail the people that should be of help to the community. 
Cooperative development in Indonesia is Likely to slow as the government more than the people concerned for itself.Cooperatives are currently more rural areas are still very thick with kinship and mutual help to each other. 
So I think Cooperatives in Indonesia still developing but not too advanced. Such Cooperatives in the world Because of the lack of professional managers to Overcome the cooperative in Indonesia. Government should pursue policies such as foreign policy, one of the which is to promote the quality of goods.

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